Monday, June 24, 2013

Esprit de She

The Iron Girl Group is doing the Esprit de She on August 4rth in Lakeville!

2 mile jog, 10 mile jog, 2 mile jog

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28th Jog through the Preserve

This morning I could feel ants in my pants (more than usual)....not the real ants that inhabit my basement bathroom now and then, but the kind that make me want to get out of the house! I looked at the thermostat on the deck, almost 40, really? I layer my fall gear (didnt buy winter stuff) and head out for the 2 miles through the woods. Amazing jog, slow and easy, enjoying every breath.
Upon returning home Tristan (my Blue Russian cat) greeted me, begged me to play....
  I cooked some eggs and a Vans Waffle (10 grams of protein) and swung around his toy :) Heaven right here. Time to curl up with this furry guy and get some writing done!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Training Progress & Protein

Well I purchased the bike trainer and put it together in five minutes. Then I realized, not only are my bike tires low, they are bumpy mountain bike tires that make a loud noise on a bike trainer! So I guess I will be purchasing hybrid road tires sooner than I thought. Luckily they aren't that expensive. $25 each for basic, $50 each for tougher. I will get the tougher ones, why not for the race?

Today I did a slow jog outside for the first time since December. I haven't been house-bound due to weather, but due to sickness and ligament stress. I am at 95% now. I biked 10 miles on the stationary while working (on computer) then ate and rested a bit, then went out for a jog. Of course the fresh air was amazing :)

I don't have a fancy watch yet, don't think I need one. I have an Iron Man watch I won at the Iron Girl race many years back (funny isn't it?).

I am managing 50 grams of protein a day, paying attention, mostly getting it from food, but sometimes a shake. I can now feel my body differently when I don't have enough protein. It doesn't always feel like regular hunger, more like a "nic fit" of a smoker, like a longing, a bit of an unidentified ache that reminds me - PROTEIN!

I look forward to more communication with my Meetup group - it would be fun to wear the same colored shirt on race day and race as a team?

Rah-dur: Off-Grid Stress Test

Rah-dur: Off-Grid Stress Test

Friday, January 4, 2013

Initial Training Schedule Information to RSVP

I created a Meet.Up group on for the Iron Girl Racers! See the home page here:

This is where you can sign up to jog, do jog/walks and biking to train for the event. Of course, once people meet they can schedule anytime that is convenient for them with other members of the group!